Dharma Class Schedule,

Our Dharma class is beginning Wednesday, September 18. You can also refer to the calendar page on this website for classes, ceremonies and meditation sessions.

Buddhism is a unity of practice (meditation) and study. This unity is very important because every being has a mind, but because of negative emotions, they are blocking. Buddhist teachings increase positive wisdom which helps with these negative emotions. This also increases virtue. This method comes from an authentic lineage.

Tibetan people say, “To let good wood spoil under its bark, is like burying one’s knowledge and skills uselessly.” When we don’t practice and meditate, it is like our mind is becoming spoiled.

Every being has a mind. Many people are non-believers. Some people are believers, but they have a wrong view. All people have a habit of material concern. Their minds become spoiled, never blossoming into wisdom. They do not accumulate virtue or wisdom through their beliefs.

Every session and ceremony will be very meaningful to your life, and will increase virtue. Without this practice, life remains empty, and ends without meaning.

We offer 90 minute meditation sessions, especially to Guru Rinpoche, during Dakini Day (according to Vajaryana tradition), and for other special dates and ceremonies. The 20-30 minute meditation sessions will be good for both novice and advanced practitioners. If you wish to join or would like more information, please send an email to sbtcc.heruka@gmail.com (welocomingbuddhist website.) Sessions are held either at Highland High School Community Education or in a private residence. Serious inquiries only, please. We will be adding more event sites in the future.

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