Precious Teaching

Retreat at Brzil

beginning Retreat July 11 to 14  in Brazil at Secterio. The  practice of Ngondro,  teaching in Bardo and Longchenpa curcial point heart advice at the same time commentary Shamata meditation ( oral transmission) written by Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche. Every Morning … Continue reading

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Zoom teaching

In Welcoming Buddhist group in whatsapp link in the beginning of April 28th 2024. if you are insterested to study Buddhist teaching zoom on every sunday for 45 mins you are welcome to join in whatsapp link Welcoming Buddhist group. … Continue reading

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If the intention is good, the levels and paths are good. If the intention is bad, the levels and paths are bad, Since everything depends on intentions, Always make sure they are positive. Jetsun Mila sang: No-one to ask me … Continue reading

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His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche.

His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche teaching for Buddhist in general and especially technique Vajrayana Buddhist dharma practice to how can keep buddhist bow. This is a message for everyone. Would like to let you know. Below teaching coming from his holiness … Continue reading

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 A) I wish to share a few important guidelines with regard to the misuse of my humble name by different Buddhist Monks, Yogis and Lamas. These are ones who are frequently visiting Taiwan or have settled in Southeast Asia  or … Continue reading

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Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend

Nagarjuna’s letter of advice to a king, outlining the main points of the Mahayana Buddhist path. [audio src=""]
Teaching given by Lama Osel on June 12, 2012.

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Uncommon philosophy and meditation – Nagarjuna’s Letters.

Beginning Wednesday, September 18 through Wednesday, Oct 30, 2013 – 6p.m. to 8 p.m.
Highland High School, Salt Lake City, Utah

Nagarjuna is a seventh century Buddhist enlightened master. Through his letters to a king, he gives a useful explanation of how to keep positive good discipline as a human being. As human beings, we have more potential for intelligence than other animals, but we are using this intelligence in the wrong way. As sentient beings, we have many obstacles coming from identification with ones ego mind. How can we deal with this? Through Buddhist meditation we can resolve all of these problems by practicing love and compassion without empty meditation. Continue reading

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Science of Meditation

Two recent interviews with Matthieu Ricard and Richard Davidson suggest that there is scientific evidence of the benefits of meditation. The interview with Matthieu Ricard, The Happiest Man in the World, a renowned Tibetan Buddhist teacher shares his thoughts on … Continue reading

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Generating Faith In The Dharma

Lopon Osel Gyurme speaks on generating faith in the Dharma at the Indiana Buddhist Center. Translation is done by Tenam Namgyal. This is an audio recording and is available free. Continue reading

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Thirty Pieces of Advice from the Heart

Khenchen Pema Sherab taught on “Thirty Pieces of Advice from the Heart” in Lerab Ling during the All-Mandala retreat, 2009. The recordings contain the teaching in Tibetan with English translation by Gyurmé.

Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche is a disciple of H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and other great Nyngima masters. He is current head of the Nyingma Lineage. What does Khenpo mean? In the vinaya tradition it means keeping the monastic vows and providing for other monks; it also designates one great realization, superior training and knowledge in the sutrayana and vajrayana traditions. He is the best living example of a Khenpo in our lineage because of his pure intention and countless disciples that will remain for a long time and benefit countless sentient beings. His quality is like Shariputra–outside pure, inside pure, like a lotus. However you are able to connect with him or his teachings will be most meaningful and bring you many blessings.

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