Donations are Welcome
"Sharing the Merit, even if they give just one cent, people should have the motivation of putting a drop of water in the ocean. A drop of water on its own will easily evaporate, but in the ocean it will always remain." There are many ways you can contribute to WelcomingBuddhist for our future plans.
- February 12, 2025
Full Moon ( Buddha Amitabha Day) - All day
- February 15, 2025
Anniversary of Kunkhen Longchenpa - All day
To not become happy because of praise, To not become unhappy because of blame, To support one's own good virtues, This is the character of the supreme being.
If the intention is good, the levels and paths are good. If the intention is bad, the levels and paths are bad, Since everything depends on intentions it is important that we make them positive.
Do not do anything harmful to one another, do only what is good. Discipline your own mind to subdue negative emotions.
Do no evil whatsoever, practice virtue perfectly, tame your mind completely. This is the teaching of the Buddhist doctrine.
Author Archives: Ven. Lopon Osel
Retreat at Brzil
beginning Retreat July 11 to 14 in Brazil at Secterio. The practice of Ngondro, teaching in Bardo and Longchenpa curcial point heart advice at the same time commentary Shamata meditation ( oral transmission) written by Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche. Every Morning … Continue reading
Zoom teaching
In Welcoming Buddhist group in whatsapp link in the beginning of April 28th 2024. if you are insterested to study Buddhist teaching zoom on every sunday for 45 mins you are welcome to join in whatsapp link Welcoming Buddhist group. … Continue reading
The beginning of Saga Dawa
May 9. 2024 is the beginning of Saga Dawa – on the Tibetan Buddhist Calendar. Thursday, May 23 is the day of the Buddha’s enlightenment – a very special day. If you do practice on this day, it is more … Continue reading
New Message
All of dear dharma friends, I would like to let you know that all of the activities and events are in the calender special day. If you follow and keep discipline of practicing will be receiving automatic blessing and elighten … Continue reading
Jetsun mila said.
Between the hermit meditating in the mountains And the sponsor who provides his sustenance Is a connection that will lead them to enlightenment together. The heart of that connection is dedication of merit. Noble one, think of yourself as someone … Continue reading
If the intention is good, the levels and paths are good. If the intention is bad, the levels and paths are bad, Since everything depends on intentions, Always make sure they are positive. Jetsun Mila sang: No-one to ask me … Continue reading
His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche.
His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche teaching for Buddhist in general and especially technique Vajrayana Buddhist dharma practice to how can keep buddhist bow. This is a message for everyone. Would like to let you know. Below teaching coming from his holiness … Continue reading
Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Class:
West Palm Florida 2/25/2022 Teaching Subject: The Excellent Path to Enlightenment: A Short Preliminary Practice. The essence of all Buddhist Teachings includes Nongdro, which is fundamental to all levels of Buddhist practice. As normal sentient beings we have lots of obstacles coming … Continue reading
A) I wish to share a few important guidelines with regard to the misuse of my humble name by different Buddhist Monks, Yogis and Lamas. These are ones who are frequently visiting Taiwan or have settled in Southeast Asia or … Continue reading